Wednesday, December 10, 2014


It has been said that people that are born with certain gifts have a unfair advantage over most.

I believe that if you are not as gifted, you simply must work harder than those that are more
gifted than you. Mind you this doesn't mean you harbor bad feelings for those that have
a little more ability than you. It simply is what it is.

When you embark on any endeavor,wether martial arts or not, you must absorbe yourself
into it. This is what Bruce Lee did. I'm not saying this just because he was my inspiration,
because i believe i'm intelligent enough,mature enough and objective enough to speak -
the truth.

This is not to say that there were not then, nor are today dedication to training in the arts
by the hundreds  of thousand of practitioners. There were then, there were before Bruce Lee
and there are now great Masters and exploits of the various martial diciplines.

I truly believe that often times, God gives us an example of excellence to pattern ourselves
after, and Bruce was the one for this period in time.

Just look at the musculature of Bruce Lee. This is one of the downfalls of many masters

-brother teacher

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