Monday, December 1, 2014

Hello and happy December. In just a few short weeks,we will be in the year 2015.
Can you believe it? Well, are you ready to usher it in by starting a new martial arts program?

I guess you are wondering what. I'm not getting any older and I would love to share my
martial arts legacy with a few more dedicated students.

So here's the rub.. I'm looking for twenty determined men and women to join the ranks of my
system of Jinen-Do. All you need is to make the decision that you;ve been wanting to make for
many years now.

Don't forget, I haven't just started martial arts, i have been at this going on forty three years now,and it's hard to believe it. I guess it's because i have never stopped doing it from the very day i began ,and
that was at the age of ten.

As a special deal starting the new year,I'm offering you the first months class for just fifty dollars,and
the second and third month for only twenty five dollars. This will include your uniform cost.

All i ask of you is to sign up between December 1,2014 and December 10,2014 and to make the commitment. I recently closed my school of ten years and started teaching at my home on Wednesday and Fridays.

My martial arts career speaks for itself,and if you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me @ 513-328-8244.

I am the only instructor in Cincinnati that teaches as close to Bruce Lee's fighting concepts that you will find. I do have family plans as well, just call or email me

I look forward to helping to better your life in the arts, peace

-brother teacher

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