Saturday, December 27, 2014


Yes it's training time for everyone that claims to be a martial artist. I just got up-
from working out and at fifty three, i feel good about it.

It doesn't matter if you work out for thirty minutes or ten, just work out and be
passionate and consistent about it.

Need a little help? Well try this just to get you started..

1) ten push ups /wait about five minutes then do ten more

2) twenty sit ups with knees bent/wait five minutes and do twenty more

3) With your arms straight in front of you palms facing out,/do ten bent knee squats

4) jumping jacks/do twenty five

5) jog in place for two straight minutes

Now was that hard at all? Maybe if you are a beginner or you just haven't trained in a while.
This beat doing nothing at all. If you are a little out of practice, just add this to you list or

Don't be a couch potato, set specific goals and you will reach the stars in the martial arts.

- brother teacher

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