Saturday, December 13, 2014


Today is December 13,2014 and it is 3:33am. As i sat here on my laptop doing -
some work, a dear lost friend came to my mind. Yes Bruce Lee..

Every now and then i am reminded how he changed my life as it relates
to the martial arts and i am humbled.

I can only imagine how he has touched the lives of others worldwide-
but i know first hand how he has touched mine.

I never met him but he and i, to borrow a cliche were kindred spirits.

I feel as though Linda Lee Cadwell, Shannon, and Brandon are my
extented family. Maybe it is because i was taught the true nature
of the arts at a very young age and i continue to maintain the standards.

In seeking your own truth by tearing down the unessentials and using
what actually works for you.  My system of Jinen-Do is based on
this very same concept.

Through my journey i have never taken a break from the martial
arts.  I have remained active and studious since the first day i began
some over forty three years ago.

I welcome your comments about any experiences you may have had
that have changed your life for the better in the martial arts.

If you are someone that has laid off of training for a while, i encourage
you to re-evaluate  yourself, re-dedicate yourself and just start again.

Sometimes what i call the issues of life can not only get us down,
but they can keep us down. You owe it to yourself to use this
glorious time on earth, that the creator has given us and these beautiful,
and magnificent machines called the human body. Be blessed..

-brother teacher

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