Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hello once again. I want to emphasize just how important it is for you to train.
For some odd reason, people believe by an alarming number that martial arts is only for children.
How ridiculous. What they are really saying is that when they get past, lets say thirty, they don't
want to train anymore.

It is foolish and not very practical to say the least. Let me tell you a secret- all living things -     MUST MOVE!!

Just take a page from the animals in the wild. From the time they are born to the day they finally die, they are running, hunting, pouraging for food and raising their young in the out of doors We humans on the other hand (not all but most) eat, sit ,work,sleep,party and continue the cycle over and over again.

Regardless of your martial discipline, please do the arts a favor(your art included) by representing it the way its founders intended. Below is another video for you to enjoy and hopefully benefit from.
-brother teacher

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