Sunday, April 16, 2017

UFC Fighter Zak Cummings could have Killed Opponent over Ego


Just recently i read an article, where UFC fighter Zac Cummings held a choke hold on 
his opponent Nathan Coy, knowing he was already unconscious. 
This fight took place in Kansas City, MO.

Cummings said that he had no intention of letting go of the hold until the 
referee broke it up. This crap is not acceptable. This only goes to show you
 that people like him don't truly respect the sport, not to mention martial arts at all.

I don't care, how young he is to the UFC, or what he aims to prove, but one
thing he has not proved to me, and i am sure many others, and that is that he
has absolutely no idea of what humility, honor and respect is. This goes for
the martial arts, the sport and most of all his fellow competitor.

If he had killed Coy, he would be singing a different song...that of a jail bird.

-brother teacher

You can read the original article HERE

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