Sunday, July 19, 2020


The Anniversary of Martial arts master Bruce Lee is

July 20,2020

Today we celebrate again, the life of the late martial arts master and actor, Bruce Lee. 
This is simply a small tribute to the man that rose from Asia, and changed the way the world 
saw both Asians, and the martial arts.

Bruce Lee was born one, of five children. Peter, Agnes, Phoebe, and Robert. Today he would have been eighty years old. 

His impact on the world of martial arts to the world is unprecedented. He is forever remembered how he revolutionized the world of martial arts. 

Lee's mom and dad, Lee Hoi Chun and Grace Li

 Linda Lee Cadwell

Enter the Dragon, Nunchaku Scene

 Scene from Return of the Dragon- Look at his body
 Yip Man, his Wing Chun teacher
 Shannon Lee with dad
 Bruce Lee and young Brandon Lee
 Bruce lee against a young Jackie Chan in Enter the Dragon
 Fist of Fury(Big Boss)
Bruce Lee in Game of Death 

Bruce Lee vs Hapkido master in Game of Death

Bruce Lee vs (Escrima master)Dan Innosanto, in Game of Death
A Bronze Statute erected for the star in Hong Kong harbor

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I miss him. I loved to see him fight in my early childhood days and used to watch his movies with my brother here in India. It is so strange that for all these years I had not seen much of his videos but surprisingly on 19 th july few days back my fingers just went on YouTube to open up Bruce Lee fight videos to show them to my student , 12 year old. Today I was awe struck to know that his death anniversary is on 20 th july. There was some connection that I remembered him on 19 th and again on 21st july. Probably He sent those thoughts to his fans. May God bless his Soul in Peace. Thanks
